Sunday, May 3, 2009

We Marched for Babies!!!!

After many months of great anticipation, the day arrived for us to March for Babies!!! Bennett's Team included 15 walkers (another 5 sat out because of illness or the rain), and raised almost $3000!!!!! We are blown away! Our original goal was just $1000! Thank you to everyone who donated - it means so much. The March of Dimes is such a worthy cause!

It was pouring rain most of the march, but we survived with ponchos and rain covers for the strollers.

Here is mommy and Bennett before the March.

And we're off!!!!!

Bennett was rather apathethic to the whole ordeal. He just chilled and sucked his thumb the whole way (but refused to nap, of course!).

Carter kept yelling at whomever was pushing him to get to the front of the group because he wanted to be line leader!!

Here we are next to Bennett' s sign on the Miracle Mile!

They are saving this sign and will put it back up again for the March next year!

The finish line! This is our whole Team!

We had a GREAT day!!! It was the perfect kick-off the the celebration of Bennett's birthday on TUESDAY!!!


Lizzie said...

how awesome!!!! and congrats and happy b-day to the little gy!!!! he's a little miracle! and cute too ;)

Anonymous said...

YAY team Bennett!!! You all did an amazing job! I love that they have a sign for Bennett! I would have cried when I saw it- did you? ;) Bennett, you're such a blessing!!! And lmao at Carter wanting to be the line leader! YES! That's my little first born leader!!! :)

Chantelle said...

Melissa - it was a very emotional day for so many reasons! More than once I was choking back tears.

There was another family team ahead of us that had triplets but lost two of them. When I saw the mom taking pictures of her babies' signs on the Memory Mile, I near lost it!