Monday, February 2, 2009

Sweet sunny smiles!

Here are some great pictures to celebrate a warm and sunny day in the dead of winter (and darn that Groundhog....)! They are from my iPhone, so I apologize they aren't a little grainey.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while - the busy-ness of life has gotten hold of me! The great news is that Bennett's cold is all better and he's doing great. We will continue the inhaled steroids daily through the winter though. Thats a LOT of fun (**insert sarcasm**).

Bennett will be NINE months old on Thursday! Can you believe it????? Blows my mind and illicits a tear or two. His 9 month well-baby check up is not until the 13th, so I won't have stats until then. He's been working on developing some new skillz too, but I won't bore you with those details until my big post about his check up :)


Becca said...

OMG I love that smile! Thanks for brightening my day you handsome little man.

Anonymous said...

AWWWW!!!!!!! What great smiles!!!! That is a day brightener for sure!!!