Wednesday, February 18, 2009

So much for low muscle tone...

This morning, Ace heard Bennett shouting (for an example of his signature shout see the last video clip posted below...), so he went into the nursery to get him and found him.....

hanging half way over the crib rail!!!!!!!!!!!! Somehow he was able to pull himself up that far! Granted, the rail was down, so it was only a matter like 6 inches, but we didn't think he was able to do something like that! SCARY! And lesson learned for sure!!!

This kid is going to prove us all wrong, isn't he? Low muscle tone - HA!


Ann said...

I blame this on Melissa. She said she would pray that Bennett would be pulling himself up in no time! ha ha

MILF said...

Way to stick it to 'em!

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! That's scary and great all at the same time! LOL!