Monday, February 23, 2009

A good cure for a case of the Mondays!

Bennett doesn't care what day of the week it is! He's always cheerful and sunny!

And don't anyone try to tell Bennett he's behind or can't do something....this weekend he's started saying "ba ba ba" and "da da da"!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ace and I can't get enough of it and huge smiles overtake our faces when we hear it! We were bracing ourselves for speech delays and OT in our near future, but if he keeps this up, he won't need any intervention!


Anonymous said...

What a SWEET smile!!!!! Trust me- it's helping me get through my first day back to work!!!

Lizet said...

Hi there. I'm visiting your blog through one of your posts at bbc. Bennett is such a happy baby!Congratulations to him for the ba-ba, da-da. I bet you guys fill with joy when you hear it. My baby recently started laughing, and I cant get enough of it! My heart melts every time.


Lizet said...

Elle... would you mind if I followed your blog?

Chantelle said...

I'd love that Lizet!!!

You highlighted one of God's gifts to preemie parents - the gift of taking imeasurable JOY at the things that FT parents (myself included before B was born!) enjoyed, but considered "normal" in a sense!

We too were OVER THE MOON when Bennett laughed the first time!!! What a beautiful sound! Its amazing to watch these little ones go from being physically unable to express any emotion (heck, Bennett couldn't even cry for so long from being on the vent!) to exploding with laughter and happiness!!!