Thursday, February 12, 2009

Bennett's 9 Month Stats!

We had his 9 month well baby today! He weighed 15 lbs 9 ounces and 26 inches! That puts him at less than the 5th percentile for both actual and adjusted (7 mos today) ages. His weight is staying about the same in terms of how far below the curve it is, but his length is starting to creep closer to the 5th percentile curve! His head was 44 cm and that puts him at 15th percentile for actual age!! I make 'em with big noggins toothy grin The Ped. wishes he were climbing up a little faster on toward the curves, particularly for his adjusted age, but what can we do?? He drinks 26-30 ounces of breastmilk or formula a day - which is spot on. He also eats two meals of solids, and is already starting to eat some "big people" food like pieces of bananas, peaches, peas, noodles, that are soft and easy to smash. So she is really happy with his eating. And he sleeps well. He usually either takes two 2-hour naps a day or three naps of about 1-1.5 hours a piece. And he sleeps from about 7:30 until 7:30 a.m. with two feedings (dreamfeed at 11 p.m. and wakes at 5:30 a.m.) She said his sleep was good too.

Developmentally, he's at about the level of a 7.5 month old, which is good. She said she expects to see him closing the gap between his adjusted and actual age now, but if he doesn't, that is ok. His main delays are verbal and fine motor, which are the most common areas of delay in preemies.

We discussed his calcium levels a bit - which show that his bone growth/calcium levels are borderline low, so we're going to continue treating that. And we're keeping him on his asthma medications until June and then experiment and see if we can stop it until September.

I asked her when we would be able to stop isolating him, and she said that in our area they have seen no new cases of RSV lately, moreso the flu, so she said we should continue to avoid large groups and small children, but we can take him to church or other public places so long as we keep our distance from people! YAY!!!


Anonymous said...

Wahoo for excellent development and progress! And a DOUBLE wahoo for being able to go to church and other public places!!!!!! YAY!!! Can't wait to see you both next weekend!!!!

Patty and Alex said...

Horray for Bennett! I love to hear about his progress, and I am amazed by how much he has grown. I can't wait to see him again. Don't worry. Spring will be here soon. Although some days it doesn't seem that way. I am starting to get cabin fever with a winter baby too...

Ann said...

Great job Bennett. We are all so happy for your good news! We are all so lucky for what we have!