Monday, February 16, 2009

Bennett has a new friend!

My friend Kelly gave birth yesterday at one day shy of 33 weeks to a little boy - he is named after his daddy but will go by Trig. She has been having pre-term labor for what seems like forever, but the baby was recently diagnosed with Interuterine Growth Restriction. It seems that they discovered the placenta was pulling away from the uterus, which probably is what caused the IUGR, so they went ahead and delivered. Trig was 2 lbs 15 oz and 16.25'' long. He is on CPAP right now, but doing great!

Please pray for Trig to thrive and grow and get the heck out of the NICU and home with mommy and daddy. It has been such a long road to motherhood for Kelly. I hope this new leg of their journey is unimpeded and smooth!!!


Anonymous said...

Prayers are on the way for Trig!!! What a blessing!

Ann said...

Grow Trig, Grow! Praying Trig will grow Big!

Ann said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ann said...

Sorry I posted the same comment twice and had to delete one!

Chantelle said...

Trig is now off of CPAP and on a low flow canula on room air!!! He's already taking feedings of his mommy's wonderful milk and is only a few ounces below his birth weight!! He is doing FABULOUS!!

Kelly is doing really well too. I talked to her last night and she sounded absolutely in love!