Thursday, December 11, 2008

Way to go Bennett!!!

I took Bennett for his monthly Synagis shot this morning and got the BEST news!! He gained 1 lbs 1 oz in the last three weeks!!!!!!!!! This is HUGE! This is his best weight gain in the last 3 months. I'm soooo happy, I can't stop smiling!

Our Nurse Prac also said that we can add in breakfast now too! Yippie!!


Anonymous said...

YAYYYYY!!!!!!!! That is the best news I've heard all day!!!!! BTW my word verification is "preemo". Hehe!

Lizzie said...

congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!how awesome!!!!! i am so happy for you!!!!!

BTW, my verification word is GRAPO - and while Melissa's "preemo" has more significance to your blog - GRAPO has significance because my grocery store makes apples that smell and taste like grapes, and they are called grapples and the word verification word made me want one and made me want to spread the news lol.

but seriously, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

Chantelle said...

Blogs are so interesting when your most dedicated followers are so ADD and go off on tangets talking about crazy stuff like grapples ;)

SMOOCH - love ya chicas!

BTW - my word verification is significance whatsoever!

Ace Custodio said...

My verification word is "caviate."

Anonymous said...

Lizzie I saw those grapples in Weis the other day and I was so wierded out by them- are they any good?! I am going to try one now- you've instilled some curiosity in me now. Are they squishy like a grape? Or are they hard like and apple but taste like a grape? So confusing. I've had pluats (pronounced Plew-At), and the name makes me giggle! They are plums mixed with... oh God now I can't remember. Mom- what are pluats again? (She's the one who got them for me a long time ago).

Yeah Chantelle- we're so ADD!!! LOL!

Ann said...

I think it was a cross between a plum and apricot. I'm soooo happy that Bennett is gaining weight. That's great news!

Anonymous said...

Thanks mom! The pluat was really yummy. It was the size and consistency of a peach, but tasted like a plum.

Bennett looks so darn good it's ridiculous!!! He's going to love fruit- wow, think of all of the different types of fruit that he'll encounter in his lifetime if people keep creating new ones!

Becca said...

way to grow!

Lizzie said...

lol sorry for the ADD tangent lol....

Melissa - they have a subtle taste of grapes and are seriously the most delicious apples I have ever had.

and still WAY TO GO BENNETT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!