Monday, June 23, 2008

Another Milestone!!

Bennett broke the 5 pound mark today!!!! He weighed in tonight at a whopping 5 lbs 1.8 oz!! He is just shy of 18'' now too! He is 7 weeks old today (37w3d gestational age). I wouldn't be surprised if they started cutting back his calories tomorrow as they don't want him to gain too quickly. He gained two ounces today! He is still on 30-calorie/ounce feeds and takes 1 and 1/3 ounces (40 mls) each feeding.

Bennett did well with Plan D over the weekend. So today they changed it up a little. This morning he went to 6 hours on cannula and 3 hours on CPAP and did great! So this afternoon, his doctor decided to push him and cut his flow to 1/8 a liter with 100% oxygen. Apparently, this is just a twich of O2 (the less flow, the less amount of O2 he's actually getting - its complicated...); but, more importantly, this is the setting his home oxygen would be on......a sign of good things to come me thinks. He still struggled during feedings and had to have his flow turned up some. And they put his flow to about 1/6 a liter because he was saturating in the low 90s. It may take him a few days to adjust. We shall see!

He's doing great with his feedings. The other night, he pulled his feeding tube out right before I went to nurse him, so we just left it out and he latched and nursed SOOO well!!!! So they moved the tube to his nose instead and he's done fabulously since. There is definitely a "technique" to getting him to take his whole bottle, and some nurses are able to do and while others aren't, but for the most part he's proven he can eat by mouth! He even took his meds by mouth today - that is huge!!


Michele (Moosh) said...


GREAT NEWS!!! This is just wonderful!!! I am so happy for these awesome milestones! Love you. :-)

MILF said...

All wonderful news!!

GaryFanClub2010 said...

Great news. Woohoo!

wiebke said...

awww Bennett, you're such a good boy! It's hard to believe he still wouldn't even be due since it feels like Bennett has been in my life (you know what I mean, HA) for so long. What great news! GO BIG BOY, GO!

Mel said...
