Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Three Months Old!!!

Man time is flying!!! Our boy went to the Pediatrician Tuesday for some bloodwork and a weight check. His hemoglobin (red blood cell count) rose nicely, so we don't have to get that checked again for a few weeks!!! His alk-phos level (calcium absorbtion) is getting a little high again, so unfortunately we can't start weaning him off the Enfacare just yet. Too bad because I think that makes his reflux worse! He goes back in two weeks to get his electrolytes checked since she lowered the dosage on some of his other meds.

Speaking of reflux, this week was BAD. Bennett upchucked huge amounts and refused to finish many many bottles. I was planning to storm into the Peds office Tuesday demanding some stronger stuff for him, when....lo and behold....he started eating again! He still refluxes a little, but the meds must have kicked in because he seems soooo much better these past few days! Please pray this continues! Its not just my imagination. The child who was gaining 1.5 ounces per day only gained 4 ounces in the last WEEK! So, clearly its having an affect on his weight gain - not good. He's 8 lbs 8 oz today.

Here are some pics!


Mel said...

Happy Three Months Bennett!!! Oh the outfit and pics are TOO cute!!! I will definitely pray that the reflux goes away and Bennett can have some relief!

MILF said...

SOO Cute! And in the RH outfit I planned to order for Falon to wear to his bris--but couldnt get it here monogrammed in time! OH WELL.

Come on little Bennett...grow grow grow, my little man is going to need some rumble tumble boys to play with!

Cyn Bro said...

He is getting so big!!! What a little doll!
