The other big news of the day is that he got his feeding tube removed!!! He's now going on 48 hours of taking all of his feedings by mouth!!!!!!!!
He also got his two month vaccinations, which caused him to run a mild fever for a few hours that didn't make him too happy, but the fever is gone now. Poor bugger is being circumcised in the morning too!
Its difficult to see in this pic b/c its fuzzy, but I think Bennett looks a lot like Carter now that his feeding tube is gone!! Sadly, I haven't seen his face without something on it since the moments after his birth!! I can't wait to take that cannula off and see my baby free and clear!
But there is more - Bennett passed his car seat test today!!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!
HAPPY 4th of JULY everyone!!!!!!!!!!!
With God ALL things are possible!!! :o)
The pic of Bennett in his car seat is too cute!!!
He is gonna be *you know where so I don't jinx anything* before you know it. He is so CUTE!!!
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