Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The mad scientist expands her lab....

My mom commented this weekend that I look like the mad scientist preparing Bennett's bottles since there are so many things to go into them. Well, today we added two more items to the concoction!

On the advice of my Mommy Board friends, I took Bennett to the Peds office today re: our struggles with nursing. Sure enough, they are right - he has thrush and reflux! No wonder the kid doesn't want to nurse these days!! So now, into every bottle of perfect breastmilk, I must add:

Enfacare Preemie Formula to make it 30 calories per ounce (pure breastmilk is only 20 cals per oz)
Aldactizide (a lasix diuretic to relieve the pressure around his lungs) every 12 hrs
Potassium Chloride (to correct the electrolyte imbalance caused by the diuretic) every 12 hrs
Sodium Chloride (to correct the electrolyte imbalance caused by the diuretic) every 6 hrs
Calcium Phos Tribasic (super dose of calcium to help his bones catch up) every 6 hrs
Zantac (for reflux) every 12 hrs
Poly-Vi-Sol (mutlivitamin with iron) once a day

and I have to swab his mouth with Nystatin four times a day for the trush. Aye yi yi!!!!

I have a little lab set up on my kitchen counter. This has almost reached comical proportions! What a complicated little baby! This is a far cry from my experience with Carter who was exclusively breast fed until he was 6 months and wouldn't even take a bottle if I was within a 10 mile radius!!!

But alas, hopefully these new meds will help solve our nursing problems so eventually ONE day, I can just pump while at work and nurse him while I'm home. A girl can dream, right???

OH!! And the little piggie weighed in at 8 lbs 2 oz today!! Thats almost a pound gain in one week!! YAAY!!! He may fit into 0-3 mos clothes soon!!!


Patty and Alex said...

That is so funny! Do you have a clipboard with a procedure list to make sure that you have added all the ingredients and to record Bennett's data? I will look for your published findings on the combinations in a Mommy journal somewhere.

I am just teasing of course. I am glad that you are experimenting to help Bennett and that he is growing so much!

Emily said...

Just read all your updates. So glad things are doing so well. Congrats on 8 lbs + !

Lisa D from MSII

Becca said...

hey, we have an opening in our lab for someone with chemistry skills such as yours. want to send in your resume?

Mel said...

I am so excited that Bennett is 8+ pounds! I had so much fun with you, Bennett, and Carter yesterday!!! Bennett is quite the little thinker- so reflective. Perhaps HE will become a scientist one day! You are such a loving and dedicated momma!

Cyn Bro said...

8 pounds! Wowsa!!!!

I am lol at the thought of your mad scientist lab. (((hugs)))