Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Baby boy is chubbing up!!

Bennett had an appointment with his Ped today and weighs a whopping 7 lbs 5 oz!!! Way to go Bennett!!! He has officially outgrown all of his preemie clothes and is fitting rather nicely but roomily in NB sizes! He's the size now that Carter was when he was born!

The Ped took a buncha blood to check on his hemoglobin (red blood cell count), his electrolytes, his alk-phos (calcium absorbtion) and something else I can't remember. He is still anemic, but not too bad so we're leaving that be since he's already taking poly-vi-sol with iron and getting the Enfacare with iron added to his breast milk. We're waiting on the results of the other labs to know if we need to adjust his meds.

His doc gave us the names of two other pulminologists to see if they can fit us in sooner, as Bennett's neonatologist told her he didn't think he needed to be on the oxygen more than 4-6 weeks. If they can't get us in sooner, she'll call to Children's National and ask them to move our appointment up. I'm really happy about this, as I can tell his lungs are getting much stronger and he probably won't need the oxygen at all anymore. He doesn't breath heavily and laboriously when eating anymore, and he often gets the cannula out of his nose when we don't see and doesn't appear to be desating at all. He may be off the oxygen by his baptism! Speaking of - that will be on September 21st!!

I also spoke with his Ped about his reflux, as he has some really bad spells with it where I can tell he is in a lot of pain. She wants to give it two more weeks and if its just too much, we'll start reflux meds. At this point, its difficult to tell if its caused by reflux disease or his meds. We will go back in two weeks to check his hematocrit level and weight, so we will review the reflux issue then.

Here are some pics!

Helping his Lolo hold his bottle:

Carter took this picture! He absolutely LOVES his baby brother and has adjusted so well to him coming home - so much better than I'd ever imagined!

Like father, like son


SOOOO comfy in his super luxurious moses basket (I love this thing!!)

Thanks so much for sharing in this experience with us!


Mel said...

Hooray for so much good news! Yay! Bennett is incredibly adorable (and strong!) in person, and I can't wait to see him continue to grow and progress! Way to go Bennett!!! As always, the pics are so sweet- I LOVE the one of Bennett and Ace asleep! How cute!!!

wiebke said...

OMG, him with Ace has me melting all over the couch. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry about the stupid pulm. docs!

Cyn Bro said...

Aw that pic with Ace!!! TOO CUTE!!

He has made serious leaps and bounds. You have yourself a little fighter on your hands, Chantelle. (((hugs)))


Becca said...

I'm so glad to hear that Bennett is growing stronger by the day! That is wonderful news. He is such a cutie too :) Be proud, Mama.

MILF said...

Oh my gosh...that pic of him with the bottle is so precious...they ALL are! So glad he is doing well...he just needed to get home into the arms of his mommy and daddy and big brother for some TLC!!

Is that the RH moses basket? If so, it makes me even MORE excited to get to use mine soon!!