Tuesday, May 13, 2008

HUGE news!!!

Bennett went off the ventilator today!!!!! This is fabulous news! He is now on CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure), which is this large obtrusive device that forces air through his nostrils, which keeps his lungs from collapsing fully when he takes breaths. He, however, is taking every breath on his very own now. He is still on room air as well, meaning, he does not require any extra oxygen.

Other good news is that he has gained THREE ounces!!! He is now 2 lbs 15 oz. I didn't expect him to gain so rapidly. His nurse thinks he just may be on full feedings by this time next week. That seems a little ambitious to me, but I would definitely be happy with that!

Unfortunately, his billirubin levels started to creep back up, so he is back under the phototherapy lights today. Its not a big deal, but he hates the mask they make him wear. His poor head has so much on it with the CPAP and the mask :( Hopefully, he'll go off the lights again quickly.

Still no results from the head ultrasound. I'm going back over there later tonight and hope to hear something then.

I think exhaustion has finally set in. Unfortunately, sleep does not come easily to me these days between dealing with the stress/emotions of the situation and having to pump every three hours. On top of that, my heart broke today when my "bed rest buddy's" little boy who was just delivered today suffered a pulmonary hemorrhage. From what I've read, he should be ok, but if you have some extra prayers to send up, I'm sure this little boy could use them. The emotions from all the "what ifs" and scary possibilities surrounding Bennett's condition are still so raw, and this really hit me hard today. I could barely bear to leave Bennett this afternoon.


LLouis said...

Go Bennett!!!!!!

wiebke said...

what a strong lil dude! Yay B! I hope you get some rest!

littleangelkisses said...

YAY for CPAP! I hope that he continues to grow strong.

Sleep is tough at this point, but try to rest when you can.

You are in my thoughts.
