Friday, May 2, 2008

8 out of 10!!!!!!!!!!!

Bennett scored an 8 out of 10 today. MUCH better! They were able to see his arms and hands moving today and he was actually taking practice breaths in a tiny pocket of amniotic fluid by his face!

We had a big scare last night during my monitoring. Bennett's heart rate shot up really high between 170 and 190 (abnormally high for a fetus his age) and stayed there for several minutes. They put me on IV fluids and he stabilized again and the fluids seem to have stopped my contractions! Never a dull moment...

And one last BIG piece of news - my c-section is scheduled for MAY 30th!!! Thats only 28 days, exactly 4 weeks away! Praying he stays put until then!!! Its so nice to have an end-date in mind. Let's all cross our fingers for a quiet weekend. I got one betametasone shot today and will get another tomorrow. Then another biophysical profile and growth ultrasound on Monday!


Emily said...

woohoo! Hooray for Memorial Day week babies! I am so happy for you, there's a wonderful light at the end of the tunnel. Hugs!

Mom said...

Hooray for Bennett! Just like his Mom and can ace those tests! Pat that belly and let Bennett know that Nana loves him!

Vanessa said...

I hope your family is doing well! I wandered over from In Search of Biscuit 2.0 ... my thoughts are out there for your family!